Parsing begins!
August 12, 2013 - 12:17 am by Joss Whittle L2Program Language
The PEG.js parser is now complete!!! Now all that is left to do is write the functions for the evaluator and control flow. For now I have locked the parser to only testing commands against MathExp
as the root node. The function eval_math(tree)
accepts a syntax tree with a root node marked as num
for a plain numerical value, var
for a reference to a variable, math
for a simple add/sub/mult/div between two other math trees, or function
which represents a call to a math function (built into the language). Below is an overview of the parse tree for a math expression (MathExp
{ tag: "num", val: 0 }
tag: "var",
val: {
id: "a",
index: {
// Another Math Expression
tag: "math",
val: {
op: "+",
left: {
// Another Math Expression
right: {
// Another Math Expression
tag: "function",
val: {
func: "sqrt",
param: {
// Another Math Expression
Math::Function (multiple params)
tag: "function",
val: {
func: "min",
param: [
{}, // Another Math Expression
{}, // Another Math Expression
{} // Another Math Expression